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Fermata Club - Home of the Hurricanes

Fermata Pool
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Fermata Swim Team

Fermata Swim Team is a member of the CSRA Swim League, which is a developmental summer swim league.  Beginning swimmers are encouraged regardless of age (should be able to swim all the way across the pool on their own), as well as seasoned swimmers.  It is preferred and insisted on by the CSRA Swim League that every swimmer have the ability to swim all the way across the pool on their own. Let our experienced coaches assess your child's ability if you are unsure. Summer swim is an excellent opportunity to improve your strokes, improve cardio conditioning, and experience competitive swimming in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.

Our goals for each swimmer are:

  • To teach and improve upon the competitive swimming strokes.
  • To provide some aerobic conditioning.
  • To introduce and involve the swimmers & parents to organized sports competition in the form of swim meets.
  • To instill good sportsmanship and team work.
  • To have fun!

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CSRA Summer Swim League

The CSRA Summer Swim League consists of 21 teams divided across 5 divisions. Fermata is a member of Division II, and will be competing against Hammond  Hills, Montclair, and Jones Creek.  The season is comprised of 4 dual meets (2 home and 2 away) and a division championship meet. The Divisional Championship Meet will be hosted at the two pools in a format similar to a dual meet and the scores and times from both meets will be combined to obtain the final divisional results. The All-Star meet is the final meet for qualifiers from the division championship meets. The All-Star meet will be held at the Augusta Aquatic Center.  Additional information on the league can be accessed at www.csraswimleague.com.

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SwimTopia App

We use the SwimTopia Mobile App. Verify your current mobile number is listed on your parent and/or swimmer account information and download the app. (You'll need to know your site login - email and password - to activate the app.)

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SwimTopia App will be used for weather delays/cancellations, signup for meets/events, and viewing volunteer assignments and swim meet results.

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